About Advanced Legal Capital - Law Firm Funding Specialists
Unsurpassed ExpertiseAdvanced Legal Capital has been focused exclusively on providing attorneys and law firms with working capital loans and funding for over 21 years. It was created in 2002 by a former plaintiffs attorney with 22 years of prior experience handling major personal injury, products liability, and medical malpractice cases, and managing contingency fee practices in a variety of settings.
From the start, our mission has always been to provide law firms with the funding they need, when they need it, with the highest level of personalized and professional service. For nearly two decades, we have provided hundreds of attorneys and law firms with millions of dollars in financing and funding, helping them to achieve their practice development objectives. Unlike banks and other lenders, we find ways to approve, rather than deny, law firm and attorney loans and funding. Every inquiry and initial application is personally handled by our founder and President, a former trial attorney who served for several years as Chief Counsel of the ATLA (now AAJ) Products Liability - Medical Malpractice Exchange. His background combines decades of experience in handling personal injury and complex cases with over 18 years involvement in high level law firm financing and funding, along with established relationships in the field of private, non-bank law practice capital. As a result, each of our attorney and law firm clients work directly with a highly experienced fellow legal professional who not only understands their goals and the challenges they face, but also knows how to address their funding requirements. Together with our network of private investment groups and legal finance professionals, with extensive expertise in law firm lending, attorney fee advances, and lines of credit, we bring unique insight, experience, and deep financial resources to every transaction. Vertical Divider
Exceptional ResourcesAs experienced trial attorneys, we know that access to adequate capital is essential for today's trial practice, and timing of that funding is critical for the success of our law firm and attorney clients.
As a result, each of our programs feature flexible qualifying requirements, a streamlined application process, fast underwriting, and immediate funding upon approval. We have earned national recognition for our professional, creative, and timely delivery of law firm funding and financing solutions critical to the continued success of our clients. Our non-bank capital and specialized expertise enable us to make fast decisions and immediate disbursements. Our professional and legal experience are combined with vast financial resources to produce prompt, professional lending. Our law firm financing group has hundreds of millions of dollars of private, non-bank capital dedicated to law firm financing, lines of credit, attorney funding, case cost working capital, appellate funding, and commercial litigation funding. Our focus is clear: Law firm financing and attorney loans and funding are our only business. We have the ability to make fast lending decisions, and offer terms tailored to the unique circumstances of each law firm and attorney. Our many satisfied law firm clients think of us as their banker, and are confident based upon their own experience with us that we will be there for them over the "long haul." Questions?